16-19 Bursary
The 16-19 Bursary is a government allocated sum of money given to schools to help support Sixth Formers and their families who may be in financial hardship with the costs of attending full time post-16 education; these could include travel, enrolment contributions, equipment, subject visits etc. Eligibility is based on annual household income and there are several different bursaries that are based on different levels of need. Please note that this bursary is awarded annually so please apply again each year. Students can apply more than once in a year if their circumstances change.
Year 12 students receive their total bursary in 6 equal cheques (one per half term) and Year 13 in 5 equal cheques (because of their early exam period next summer). Students must attend school fully (including morning mentoring, assembly, guided learning hours and subject lessons). Students who fail to do this will lose a proportion of their bursary in line with their attendance rate i.e. if a student’s lesson attendance drops to 90% they will only receive 90% of their bursary for that half term. Small amounts of authorised absence (ie illness) will not affect the payment.
The following will be considered;
- annual household income
- number of dependent children in full-time education in the household
- whether courses followed need specialist equipment or clothing
- costs associated with travel to and from school
Students can apply more than once if their circumstances change during the year ahead. Details of the Bursary Fund are given to all students at the beginning of the year and can be reissued to any students who experience a change in circumstances during the year.
The bursary is intended to provide a contribution towards the costs of travel to school, enrolment costs, educational visits during the year, exam re-sits, and visiting university open days. Students will receive half termly payments by cheque made payable to them directly.
Bursaries 1, 2 and 3 are paid during each half term and are dependent upon regular attendance and work being completed.
Bursary 1: High Priority award for Vulnerable Students
Eligibility | Supporting Evidence |
Young people in care or care leavers |
Young people receiving Income Support or Universal Credit |
Young people receiving needs-based benefits such as Personal Independence Payment, Employment Support Allowance, Disability Living Allowance etc |
Students who live in a household whose total annual household income below
£ 8,692.78 (Based on National Minimum Wage of £ 10.42 p.h x 16hrs x 52.14 wks) |
Bursary 2: Medium priority award
Eligibility | Supporting Evidence |
Students who live in a household whose total household income is above £ 8,692.78 and below £ 13,582.47 (Based on National Minimum Wage of £ 10.42 p.h x 25hrs x 52.14 wks) |
Bursary 3: Low priority award
Eligibility | Supporting Evidence |
Students who live in a household whose total household income is above
£ 13,582.47 and below £ 18,472.16 (Based on National Minimum Wage of £ 10.42 p.h x 34hrs x 52.14 wks) |
Bursary 4: Head of 6th Form discretionary bursary payment
Students experiencing financial hardship can apply for a one-off bursary payment towards specific costs that contribute to their educational outcomes or support them to overcome short term issues that would otherwise negatively impact on their learning. These payments are awarded at the discretion of the Head of Sixth Form in consultation with the School Business Manager and are subject to the availability of bursary funds.
Please contact Mr Glyn Crees, Head of Sixth Form for further information gcrees [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk (gcrees [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk)