Open Evening

Thursday 26th September 2024


The staff and students of Imberhorne School extend a warm invitation for you and your child to attend our Open Evening. We will hold the evening across both school sites to allow students and parents to experience the dual aspects of the school whilst demonstrating what the school feels like as students journey from Year 7 to Year 13. We will be open for visits between 4.30pm and 7.30pm, providing plenty of opportunity to speak to staff and students about their experience of the school and to help gauge the distinctive character of a split site school.


Presentations – Main Hall, Imberhorne Lane (Upper School) at 5.30pm and 6.30pm

An opportunity to hear from our Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers and students who will talk about the school, our values and achievements.


Useful information

  • We offer tours of both sites during a working school day for anyone unable to attend our Open Evening. Tours will be available in the week beginning Monday 2nd October. Online booking only – booking detail to follow.
  • Parking around our Windmill Lane site in particular is limited and we therefore encourage those who can walk to and between our sites to do so.
  • We have more space available for parking at our Imberhorne Lane site and there is a public car park on Imberhorne Lane as well.
  • Please leave enough time to see both sites and attend one of our presentations.
  • We recommend allowing up to 30 minutes to view the site at Imberhorne Lane, up to an hour at Windmill Lane and our presentations will be no longer than 30 minutes.
  • It takes 20-25 minutes to walk between sites and 5 minutes by car depending on traffic.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01342 323562 or info [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk. We would love to hear from you.