Exam Results
For details of exam timetables, results days and exam information please see here
We are delighted with our GCSE and A Level results. We are very proud of the many wonderful achievements of our students and pleased that so many have been able to use their impressive academic performance to help them take the next step on their educational journey.
Exam Re-sits
Private candidate (including ex-students) re-sit entries are managed by the Exams Officer (kshern [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk). The formal request to the exams office must come in writing. Entries will only be accepted for exam board courses run at the school and is at the school’s discretion. The school will determine if the request will be accepted where logistics allow. If accepted, the candidate will be required to cover the cost of the Exam Board Entry fee.
Previously agreed Access Arrangements will be accommodated where possible. Where a candidate requiring a separate room is accepted, the cost of the invigilator will be added to the exam fee.
- For November GCSE English Language and Maths resits, our entry deadline is 20th September. Please make contact by this date if you are an ex-student who would like to re-sit at Imberhorne.
- Entries are made in February for the Summer exam series and therefore candidates should make contact by 31st January to see if they can be accepted.
KS4 Highlights 2023:
- 77% of grades, across all subjects, were grade 4 or above
- 83% of grades in English at 4+
- 75% of Maths grades at 4+
- 12 students were awarded grade 9 or 8 in 7 or more subjects
KS4 Performance Tables Data 2021-2022
(2022-2023 performance table data has not been published yet by the Department for Education):
- Progress 8 0.10
- Attainment 8 49.7
- Students who achieved grade 5+ in both English and Maths 48%
- Students who achieved the EBacc (English Baccalaureate) 34%
- EBacc Average Point Score (APS) 4.46
- Percentage of students remaining in education or entering employment 97%
KS5 Highlights 2023:
- Students awarded grades A/A* - 34%
- Students awarded A*-B - 57%
- Students awarded A*-C - 78%
KS5 Average Grades 2021-2022
(2022-2023 performance table data has not been published yet by the Department for Education):
- A Level Progress Score +0.15
- Academic Progress Score +0.17
- Applied Progress Score +0.42
KS5 Average Grades:
- A Level - B-
- Academic - B-
- Applied - Distinction
KS5 English and Maths:
- Average Progress in English +1.23
- Average progress in Maths +0.46