Clear Computing Challenge 4th February 2014

On Tuesday 4th February, two teams of Year 10 Electronics students travelled to Worthing College to participate in the inaugural ‘Clear Computing School Challenge’. Their task was to design a Social Networking platform for use by young people in education.Each team had approximately 4 hours to produce their proposal, considering issues of Design, Functionality, Security, Finance and Marketing. The pupils were up against 5 other schools from West Sussex – Forest School, Davison High School for Girls, Littlehampton Academy, Durrington High School and Steyning Grammar. Each of these schools had also entered two teams so competition was fierce! Once their time was up each team had to pitch their ideas to a panel of business experts à la ‘Dragons’ Den’! Despite their nerves our students did a fantastic job. Their presentations were clear and both teams produced impressive solutions to the brief. Unfortunately they were beaten by an exceptional presentation from one of the Littlehampton teams.  Well done to the winners but also much deserved congratulations to  our Imberhorne Year 10's. Presenting in front of a group of adults is not an easy task but they were a credit to themselves and to Imberhorne.