Fairtrade Christmas Markets 6th & 11th December 2013

On Friday 6th and Wednesday 11th December our main halls were turned into a ‘Fairtrade’ market place  with the help of our fabulous students who gave up their own time in support of this initiative.KS4 sold £186.05 worth of fair trade goods at Upper school and that was followed up by KS3 taking £308.06.  Mr Langstone, our Eco Schools coordinator couldn’t praise the students enough and commented “they all worked really hard all lunch time and were just amazing. I can’t quite believe it, £492.11, what an amazing amount of money. Our thanks also go to all of the students who bought something from the stalls.  What a wonderful Christmas present to give to all of those producers that made all of the goods on the stall from all over the world,  to lift themselves out of poverty.