MUNGA 2013 - 13th November 2013

The MUNGA conference held at Oathall School in Haywards Heath took place on 13th November. This annual competition event allows students to represent one of the Member States in a Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNGA).  During the day our students and those from the other schools in West Sussex gave a formal speech outlining their allocated country’s attitude to resolutions put before the Assembly. They also talk more informally in a Committee Working Party on a resolution to be put back to the Assembly. The students who were chosen to attend this year were a group of Passionate, Gifted and Talented Year 9's selected by the  Geography, History and English departments.The Students were all amazing and Miss Jo Hewitt would like to thank all those who helped prepare the students and who helped on the day.Well done to Sachin Bhangra, James Bouck-Standen, Becky Hardy, Heinrich Bethke, Jodie Pitt, Catrina Delgado, Zoe Gunter, Adam Crosby & Sarika Ghandi.