Performing Arts on Tour - 13th - 17th January 2014

Year 12 and 13 ‘Performing Arts’ students delighted Key Stage One children around East Grinstead  during the week of 13th – 17th January with their Children’s Theatre performances.  This unit of the course sees the students act in front of some of the toughest audiences to please.  However, the “booos” for the baddies and the cheers for the heroes confirmed that the tour was a big success!Visiting Crawley Down, St Mary’s, Halsford Park and Felbridge Primary schools on a whirlwind tour, the Imberhorne actors presented their versions of a modern day ‘Cinderella’ and the thrilling ‘Explorers Adventure’.  What audience could fail to be won over by the loveable ‘Prince Barry’ played by Tom Dealey who led the search among the willing Class R and 1 students for the girl who’s foot fitted the magical ……… ‘burgundy converse shoe??’  And then there were the cries of the special word ‘Bazinga’ from all the audiences that transported the Y13 explorers to their magical portals for adventure!Some of the 6th form students were performing to the primary schools that they themselves attended 8 and 9 years ago which they saw as a real privilege.  Judging by the rapturous applause that the 2 shows received all week, all the Key Stage one children were thoroughly entertained and perhaps inspired to perform themselves?  Well done to all of the students involved