Voice In A Million

On Thursday 3rd March, the Imberhorne school choir, 30 students from years 7 & 8, set off for Wembley. They were attending the ‘Voice In A Million’ concert at Wembley Arena. The event was organised to raise awareness of children in care, fostered and adopted children. Our choir love to sing and with such a great cause, it was worth the journey and the late night! 

One student from year 8, Lily Shannon commented, "The highlight of my day was standing on the main stage in front of 12,000 people, holding the Imberhorne school banner with my friends in the choir"

Miss Moffa, Leader of Music at Imberhorne concluded that the whole day was a really exciting experience. Imberhorne are already looking ahead to participating again next year when hopefully we will be given the opportunity to perform on the main stage.