Year 11 at Cadbury World

In September, Year 11 Leisure & Tourism students travelled by coach to Cadbury World in Birmingham. The visit formed the basis of the student’s coursework on marketing. After an early start and a long coach journey we arrived at Cadbury World to experience “The Exhibition” which is a self-guided tour exploring the story of chocolate throughout time and how the Cadbury organisation came to be. The exhibition is divided into several rooms and exhibits, some of which show videos with interactive areas.During the morning we had a talk from the Cadbury World Educational Officer, Colin Pitt, who delivered a fantastic presentation all about the organisation and how it operates, focusing particularly on marketing. The students took lots of notes, which are now paying dividends in producing their coursework.There is a relatively new area to Cadbury World these days called ‘Essence’, which tells an interactive story of the recipe for Dairy Milk. This exhibit culminates in the students experimenting with recipes for chocolate and choosing their own concoction.The students very much enjoyed their day and despite being given plenty of free bars of chocolate, and drinking a cocktail of liquid chocolate and sweets, they still managed to spend a lot in the world’s biggest Cadbury shop! The students learnt a great deal about how Cadbury tackles marketing as well as having plenty of fun. Thanks go to Colin Pitt at Cadbury World, Adam Webster, Carol White and the very well-behaved students.