Year 7 Merit Award Assemblies - 12th & 13th November 2013

On the 12th and 13th November we held our annual Merit Reward Assemblies to present our Year 7 students with certificates in return for the merits they have received so far this year.  Mrs Croft, Head of Year 7, and Mr Brown, Headteacher, were on hand to present the certificates in front of a hall packed with parents and colleagues from the primary schools that the children have just progressed from earlier this Summer. Students receive merits as a form of ‘instant reward’ for excellent behaviour, helpfulness, enthusiasm and effort.  Once they have reached 30 merits they receive a bronze certificate, 60 merits and they receive a silver certificate and 100 merits will earn them gold.  The students can then proceed through different targets to achieve platinum, ruby, sapphire and diamond to collect the full set.  We were delighted that almost the entire year group were awarded their bronze certificate and also very impressed with the 90 students who achieved silver and 15 who excelled by earning gold!What a great start to their time at Imberhorne School and we look forward to this being the start of many great achievements for the year group.