Passionate, Gifted, and Talented Art Event

On Friday December 12th students attended an enriching Year 9 Passionate, Gifted and Talented Art event held at Upper School. The one day experience provided a wonderful opportunity for them to gain an insight into the work produced by students in Years 10 and 11 and the Sixth Form which are currently on display throughout the corridors and classrooms.  

The structure of the day allowed students to become familiar with different examples of landscape painting created by both contemporary and historical artists including the Scottish painter, ‘Barbara Rae’ who used a variety of experimental mixed-media techniques.

Greatly inspired, students then produced individual dynamic A2 compositions of a chosen landscape using a broad range of techniques linked to collage, painting and printing. Bold, vibrant sweeps of colour were applied using various tools including card, rollers and palette knives to form translucent layers, rich tones and textural qualities.

The final outcomes clearly reflect the enjoyment of the event experienced by the students whose work is now presently displayed in the corridor of the Art department at Lower School.

James Hulme and Nathan Lindup in 9T commented, “We now have a greater understanding of how to apply mixed-media by learning the different techniques which were interesting. We were free to use all the materials provided and the techniques, plus we were given a long time in which to complete our compositions.”

Bryony Wearne, KS3 Subject Leader of Art.