Imberhorne Visit Tanzania 24th Oct-8th Nov 2013

Our Imberhorne exchange programme to Tanzania has been running for many years now and our twelve Year 13 students have just returned from their life changing visit to Tanzania, the first leg of the exchange.  They faced many new, challenging and inspirational experiences including work in the Kisarawe Orphanage, teaching and learning in the Minaki schools, visits to the Ngorogoro Crater and Lake Manyara, sailing in Kipepeo and even a trip to Arusha to spend time at Mr Ford's new school St Jude's.Students in Year 12 are given the opportunity to apply and be interviewed for the exchange programme and once the places are offered they commit to fundraising for the money to bring their Tanzanian friends back to the UK for the second leg of  the exchange which takes place in March.  You may have seen (and eaten!) the many cakes that are on sale at various events and parents briefings throughout the year. This is one of the easiest ways for our group to reach a large audience and we really appreciate your support at these sales and the other fundraisers they organise.