Imberhorne art students receive national acclaim

Work by three Imberhorne students, Nicol Dinan, Jade Farmer and Ashlee Cottle was received by the Royal Society of British Artists.A stunning portrait of Ryukei Matsuda in colour pencil and a textile hanging created by year 13 student Nicol Dinan along with a portrait painting by Jade Farmer were chosen to be exhibited at the prestigious annual exhibition of the Royal Society of British Artists in the Mall galleries in London in late May. Ashley Cottles work received a ‘Highly Commended’ from the Society.This was the first time Art work from Imberhorne students had been submitted for this exhibition and staff and students are very proud of their achievementTimmy Mallett sent an e mail to the School‘We went to see the Royal Society of British Artists at the Mall galleries and we were impressed with the portrait by Nicol Dinan. Great piece of art work Nicol, well done and good luck with your art studies!’Mrs A Hayden