Purchasing Uniform
Branded items of our Imberhorne School uniform are available to order directly via our supplier, SWI Schoolwear
- Delivery is free for orders over £70. All orders are sent to your home address (not to school)
- Returns are free of charge directly to SWI Schoolwear.
- Please note, if you have an old SWI account it will only have the base layers as available prouducts. To pick up the new stock list, go to - Manage Student, then click the pencil to delete/amend current school (CU-0189604) and then re-add Imberhorne School (CU: 0003762). You will then be able to see all of the products.
- We will continue to offer uniform try-on sessions in school during the summer for current students and new Year 7 September starters.
School uniform identifies students with Imberhorne School and should be worn with pride and a sense of responsibility. The school has a clear and firm policy on uniform and we ask parents to study our guidance carefully and give it their full support. This avoids us having to spend valuable time reminding students about the details and parents being involved in unnecessary expense by buying items of uniform which are unacceptable.
Uniform Support
Any families who need support should contact the school in confidence regarding help with purchasing uniform, subsidies are available. We also have a number of previously owned items of uniform that are available from the school. These are in good condition and in a range of sizes. Please click here for our second hand site. If parents have items of uniform they wish to donate back to the school please deliver them, for the attention of Miss K Moss, to either school reception.
For all uniform enquiries, please contact Miss K Moss 01342 310988 Email: uniform [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
What to do if a student is not in the correct school uniform?
Please provide your son/daughter with a note to explain the circumstances. Students must see their Head of Year by 8.45am. If a note is brought from home, the Head of Year may give permission by issuing a green card for one day. If a note from home is not provided, students will be issued with a red card. Persistent failure to comply with school uniform rules will result in sanctions. We greatly value your support with this.