News Archive

We see our students doing amazing things everyday and achievement comes in many forms - but success in external competitions and challenges are always nice to hear too!  Our talented Sixth Form artists, Sofia Naseem and Leah Duurant entered their paintings in the Lingfield art exhibition over hal

We could not be more proud to share some very exciting Imberhorne success from the 'Youth Debate Public Speaking Competition' that took place on Monday 11th November at the Chequer Mead Theatre. Our young and enthusiastic Year 8 trio took first place, beating off some tough competition from local

On the mornings of 5th and 6th November we celebrated the fantastic start that our Year 7s have made. The hall was packed with families, attending to support and applaud the effort that their sons and daughters have made in their first 9 weeks at Imberhorne.

Thanks to the generosity of parents and staff, along with a gratefully received West Sussex grant, our four defibrillators were installed across both sites during half term.


•Windmill Lane – Outside the PE office and to the front of the building near main entrance

In assemblies during the week commencing 21st October, Mr Brown, Headteacher continued our Personal Development theme of Health and Well-being by discussing the subject of empathy, understanding and helping others.

We are constantly reflecting on ways to develop the school along with the capability of our students. Something we reflected on in 2019 is the notion of character and how character can best be developed. This thinking was initially prompted by a question from our Governors, two years ago, asking

In assemblies during the week ending 4th October, Mrs Timson, Assistant Headteacher, discussed “What does it mean to be independent?" Mrs Timson reminded students of how much support they needed as small children and then as they developed skills which gave them independence, like riding a bike a

Congratulations to our recent #HotChocFri winners at Key Stage 3 & 4.

On 14 September, Imberhorne School welcomed over 350 former students and staff back through the gates for a fabulous reunion event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Imberhorne Lane site opening. The sun was shining and the atmosphere was electric!

Our Year 7s blew us away with their performance on Thursday 3rd October in the Mid Sussex Netball Tournament at St Paul’s School.  The atmosphere was full of excitement as 8 schools arrived to play their first school tournament. Despite having only trained together for 5 weeks, the Imberhorne gir
