News Archive

Our enriching Tanzania link has been running for 13 years and is a well-established part of our school life at Imberhorne.

In a week where Art and Design has been so high up the Imberhorne agenda, with Year 9 Art trips to the Tate Britain and the whole school engaging in Art Challenge Week, we had wonderful news from the Lingfield Art Exhibition.

Our Lower School library continued their celebration of European Languages week by treating students at Key Stage 3 to a reading from Harry Potter in French! During lunchtime on Thursday 4th October, Miss Trusler read from both the French and English texts.

We would like to thank all of our visitors for coming to look around our thriving Imberhorne community on Thursday 27th September at our annual Open Evening. It was great to see so many families meeting our staff and students and taking the time to see all that we can offer our students.

Our special link with the Heinrich-Boell Schule from Dortmund has been running for a staggering 23 years! Reinhard Mueller used to be a language assistant at Imberhorne school and has kept in touch ever since working here to keep this link strong.

Congratulations to 'Knitter Natters' Ruby and Niamh Doyle in Year 8 & 9 who travelled to the 'Business Tycoon in Schools' competition finals at Windsor Castle on Wednesday 5th September and scooped the winning Key Stage 3 category award out of thousands of other businesses and students who en

Imberhorne have some really strong GCSE results to celebrate this year. Students and staff faced significant changes to GCSE courses for 2018 with more rigorous content, a new grading system and more exams (many subjects either lost or reduced the coursework element).

Sixth Form students celebrated on Thursday 16th August as they collected their A Level results after an expectant and nerve-wracking wait over the summer.

We are absolutely delighted to report that I Fest 2018 was again a  huge success and surpassed our fund raising target of £4000. This profit, which is extraordinary, will be the actual amount of money that goes to the Tanzanian Exchange Programme.

This year’s Summer Stage was one of the best we’ve ever had! Our fabulous Di Gasson Suite was filled with a wonderful range of Drama Club and Key Stage 3 Drama pieces over the two nights on 19th & 20th June.
