News Archive

The Year 9 end of Key Stage 3 Sports Awards Evening was a lovely ocassion on 30th June to celebrate the students who have participated in and loved their sports whilst at Windmill Lanel. We have some amazingly talented sports stars in this year group.

Our Year 11 prom is an annual favourite in the diary. An event to celebrate the end of Key Stage 4, every student who successfully completes our graduation scheme gets an automatic pass to attend. This year was particularly exciting with so many students graduating.

On 19th May, governors at Imberhorne gave up their time to be in school. There is nothing unusual about that. Governors voluntarily give up their time to manage, monitor and drive strategic school improvements.

Congratulations to our wonderful Year 12 Young Enterprise team, RIPPS Revision Tips.  Following their sucess at the Young Enterprise area finals in March, they competed in the county finals at Brighton University on 3rd May and were awarded 'Runners-Up' for the 'Best Company' award which takes th

Forty six students left East Grinstead, destined for the first ever Imberhorne trip to Iceland on Wednesday the 19th April after months of planning and anticipation.

Our fantastic 'Imberhorne Singers' who performed at Wembley Arena earlier this year at the Voice in a Million Concert, recorded their song for the VIAM 2017 album on Friday 31st March at Lower School.

Year 7's had a wonderful day at Herstmonceux Science Centre. The students were brilliant, representing the school very well.

The school Ski Trip took place over the half term break and this year, as with all the 30 plus years before, it was a great success. More fun than you could shake your ski stick at!  The staff were so proud of the students from start to finish..

World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March at Imberhorne School was a real page-turner this year! Now in its 20th Year, World Book Day, provides us with an opportunity to inspire and celebrate the world of literature.

On the evening of 14th February, KS3 Drama Club put on a show for parents and friends. The students were excited to have the chance to perform to a real audience. The show began with energised ensemble work using choreographed movement and unison voices.
