News Archive

Congratulations to the talented musicians, tech crew and music department who created the most wonderful concert on Thursday 9th February.  The standard was very high and the difficult task of judging the performers fell to Assistant Headteacher and former opera singer, Mr D Jones, Rosie Secker,

Students in Year 9, with the help of their Technology teacher, Mrs Gould, worked on a global sustainability project in the Autumn Term 2016.  Students were required to develop an idea for a technology or product that can help reach at least one target for a Global Goal.

The Imberhorne School Newspaper team are pleased to present their latest copy of INN for you to enjoy.

Imberhorne hosted a great Basketball event on Thursday 26th January in our wonderful sports hall facility that could accomodate the tournament for seven local primary schools!  This is the second tournament we have held during this school year and it proved just as much of a hit with our local pr

Ollie Vincent, professional tenor, along with Emily Barden, Leader of Singing for West Sussex Music visited Imberhorne on 17th January to run a 'cool' and extremely ’groovy’ workshop with our ‘Barbershop' boys singing ensemble.

We've had fabulous news this week about Year 13 student Mattyn Pirnazari.

It was an incredibly early start when 38 intrepid students from  Years 10 – 13 and four staff boarded the coach heading for Cologne on Thursday 15th December. Worth it only because we were off to sample the delights of one of Europe’s largest Christmas markets. 

Our school hall was filled with fun and celebration on the evening of Thursday 5th January as students who left us in the summer of 2016 returned for our annual 'Certificate Evening'.

A very talented group of our KS3 music students gave up their evening on Thursday 8th December to perform Christmas carols at the Queen Victoria Hospital, singing on different wards and staying for the tree lighting ceremony afterwards.

Over three days in November on the 10th, 11th and 14th , Year 9 travelled to London to visit The National Gallery.  During the action packed day students gained an opportunity to view a collection of  18th to early 20th Century paintings which included the famous compositions entitled ‘Sunflowers
