News Archive

On Tuesday 26th April, Oscar fever came over Imberhorne as Media students, family, friends and teaching staff attended the eagerly awaited annual  award ceremony.  Held in the sumptuous and apt surroundings of Scott Cinema in East Grinstead, a range of music videos, film trailers and openings to

We welcomed the first Imberhorne governor/student shadowing opportunity at Windmill Lane in May.

Our ‘Young Enterprise’ student team of twelve Year 12's scooped not one, but SIX of the awards that were up for grabs at the Crawley, Horsham and Mid Sussex Area Young Enterprise finals last night.

Congratulations to Ross Dobson, Harrison Antino, Becca Mowbray and Mattyn Pirnazari in Year 12 who were elected as 'Senior Students' for 2016-2017 on 13th April.  Good luck to them as they take on their new role, lead by example and head up the student council for the year ahead.

Year 8 students have been involved in an exciting cross-curricular project taking place between the P.E. and Technology departments.

Over Fairtrade Fortnight this year, students from all years participated in raising awareness for Fairtrade - and some money! Over both sites, chocolate selling took place, with the Imberhorne Fairtrade Group selling Fairtrade certified chocolate and cookies.

Each year the Year 9, U14 Rugby Team play a memorial Rugby match against our friends and sporting rivals Sackville. The winner gets to keep the Cooney Cup for 12 months and the bragging rights. This year Imberhorne managed to retain the cup in some style – a victory margin of over 50 points!

We are delifghted to share the success of 7Z-CHE who have raised over £300 for the 'Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity' which helps young people with Cerebral Palsy.  On 23rd March the whole form group ran a total of 61 laps of the Windmill Lane Lower School field which equates to over 30 miles! 

On Thursday 3rd March, the Imberhorne school choir, 30 students from years 7 & 8, set off for Wembley. They were attending the ‘Voice In A Million’ concert at Wembley Arena. The event was organised to raise awareness of children in care, fostered and adopted children.

After a boost from the convincing win over Sackville a few weeks ago, Imberhorne's Year 10 Football team got back to cup duty with a much anticipated district semi final versus Oakmeeds. Imberhorne set off like a steam train and quickly led by 2-0 thanks to Sam Bull.  After a brief spell, Oakmeed
