News Archive

On Tuesday 4th February, two teams of Year 10 Electronics students travelled to Worthing College to participate in the inaugural ‘Clear Computing School Challenge’.

Year 12 and 13 ‘Performing Arts’ students delighted Key Stage One children around East Grinstead  during the week of 13th – 17th January with their Children’s Theatre performances.  This unit of the course sees the students act in front of some of the toughest audiences to please.  However, the “

On Thursday 9th January, we held three Passionate, Gifted &Talented Year 9 Science workshops at Windmill Lane. Two visiting Scientists, Richard Robinson and Jonathan Hare led the fantastic workshops, enjoyed by all our budding Science enthusiasts.

When a show such as Grease is over it always leaves a big whole due to the sheer number of hours spent in rehearsals, making costumes, learning lines and practicing the numbers in the lead up to the production.

On Friday 6th and Wednesday 11th December our main halls were turned into a ‘Fairtrade’ market place  with the help of our fabulous students who gave up their own time in support of this initiative.KS4 sold £186.05 worth of fair trade goods at Upper school and that was followed up by KS3 taking £

On Saturday 30th November 15 of our Y13’s ran 8 and a half miles through mud, water, sand and swamp. Over obstacles, through valleys and up hills they battled.Each year a sixth form team enters The Grim Challenge, a seriously testing cross country race, on the Army’s tank testing circuit.

On the very rainy Wednesday 16th October, seven students from the Gardening and CoPE programmes at Imberhorne, Mr Langstone, Mrs Daw and Mrs Cook embarked on the journey of a lifetime when they travelled to Westminster Abbey for the 2013 Harvest Service.

Our Imberhorne exchange programme to Tanzania has been running for many years now and our twelve Year 13 students have just returned from their life changing visit to Tanzania, the first leg of the exchange.  They faced many new, challenging and inspirational experiences including work in the Kis

On the 12th and 13th November we held our annual Merit Reward Assemblies to present our Year 7 students with certificates in return for the merits they have received so far this year.  Mrs Croft, Head of Year 7, and Mr Brown, Headteacher, were on hand to present the certificates in front of a hal

The MUNGA conference held at Oathall School in Haywards Heath took place on 13th November.
